Our Impact
Discover the impact we make in children’s lives in disadvantaged communities across the country.

Changing children’s stories
In 2023/24, we reached 2,056 children and delivered more than 43,779 one-to-one, volunteer-led reading sessions. We have worked hard to scale our reach and deepen our impact to support more children.
Read about what our community of schools, volunteers, supporters and partners helped us achieve in our 2022/23 Impact Report.
Annual Report
Welcome to our Annual Report – a snapshot of our achievements over the academic year. This includes key highlights, a financial overview and the ways that we’ve made a difference supporting literacy in the UK. You can read our Annual Report online.

Impact Report
We recommend that you read our interactive 2022/23 Impact Report in ‘full-screen’ mode, or if you prefer, you can download a PDF version below. You can read our Impact Report online.

Our impact for the 2023/24 academic year
This year, using a data-led approach, we have developed programmes to support thousands of children. We have worked with schools nationwide to develop a whole school reading culture and improve their reading attainment.
reading sessions delivered in 2023/24
reading programmes delivered in 2023/24
The Story Corner magazines distributed in 2023/24
Bookmark volunteers in 2023/24
schools received at least one literacy programme in 2023/24
high-quality reading resources delivered by Your Story Corner in 2023/24
What do teachers say?
Working closely with our partner schools, teachers have fed back noticeable positive changes in their students” enjoyment, confidence and reading skill.
of teachers saw an increase in children’s reading confidence
of teachers say their pupils enjoy reading more
of teachers saw an increase in reading skills
I would say this is the BEST reading programme we have ever participated in. It allows the valuable one-to-one time to read, which staff in schools struggle to find in school. The volunteers are amazing, and the children truly love their sessions.

How do we make a difference?
Our Impact Report explores our effect on the following core aims:
Improving children’s enjoyment of reading
Improving children’s confidence
Improving children’s reading attainment
Improving children’s motivation to read

Find out more about our programmes
We partner with schools to develop a whole school reading culture and provide one-to-one reading support.

The research behind our programme
In December 2020, we commissioned the National Literacy Trust to review both our face-to-face and online reading programmes against the evidence base regarding literacy interventions for primary school. They found that our reading programmes are well designed and align well with existing evidence.